Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quick update.

Yesterday I hung out with my bestie C.

We went to a cafe' then walked around all the beaches in newcastle. It was nice, good to get out of my bubble =)

Yesterday I had 2 coffees, 1/4 of this  cake thing and veggies for dinner. I think my stomach has shrunk though, I feel full after a few mouthfuls and I feel sick if I force myself to eat.

I tried to get in to doing lunges and squats last night cause I was bored, but my heart started beating too fast, so I gave up and went to bed.

Today I'm feeling better. Still haven't heard from J, so a little sad but im okay, using it to benefit myself.

Anyway, I need to go to work. Actually excited, I burn so many cals at my job. Constantly moving.

Hope everyones doing okay.


  1. congreats! sounds like progress to me :) i REALLY need to start working out can't lose without it!

  2. Thank you for following me :)
    It sounds like you had a good day, I hope more follow it.


  3. I loooove the feeling of being full after a few mouthfulls!
    You're doing fantastically girl, but I'm so sorry to hear about J, that's really hard to deal with, just give him time, hopefully he'll come around <3 xo
